Οι SDF απέρριψαν την πρόταση της Δαμασκού για ένταξη στον SAA: Το μεγάλο αγκάθι της διαφωνίας

Freepen.gr - Οι κουρδικές Συριακές Δημοκρατικές Δυνάμεις απέρριψαν την πρόταση του Συριακού Υπουργείου Αμυνας η οποία καλούσε τα μέλη των SDF να ενταχθούν μεμονωμένα στις τάξεις του Συριακού Αραβικού Στρατού [SAA] υποστηρίζοντας ότι η ενοποίηση των δύο δυνάμεων μπορεί να γίνει μόνο μέσω της πολιτικής διευθέτησης η οποία θα αναγνωρίζει και θα διασφαλίζει την αυτονομία των SDF στην περιοχή που προστατεύει και απαιτείται παράλληλα επαναδόμηση του SAA.

Όπως αντιλαμβάνεται ο καθένας, η Δαμασκός ζητά ουσιαστικά de facto τη διάλυση των SDF, ενώ οι Κούρδοι τη διατήρησή τους.

The Syrian Ministry of Defense issued a statement today calling on the SDF to join the Syrian army to defend the country against Turkish aggression.

We once again affirm that, as we made our position clear since the beginning of the attacks, we welcome any effort by any side towards achieving a unified stance against Turkish aggression on our country and our people. The integration of Syrian army and the Syrian Democratic Forces can only be achieved through a political settlement that recognizes and preserves the autonomy of the SDF in the region protected by it which requires Syrian military to be restructured.

The members of the Syrian Democratic Forces have for years been at the forefront of the fight against ISIS terrorism on behalf of all Syrians and humanity, effectively fighting and reclaiming all the territory formerly held by the Islamic State in northern Syria. The SDF has created a distinguished and standing military force with highly disciplined personnel and a successful military structure. We firmly reject the statement by Syrian Ministry of Defense targeting the individuals and personnel within the SDF and reiterate that any sincere request of integration of military forces must be discussed with the authorities of the SDF with the aim of establishing a constructive dialogue which is the only solution to the longstanding internal conflicts between the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Syrian army.

General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces
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