Νάνσι Πελόζι: Αυτή η συμφωνία εκεχειρίας υπονομεύει την αξιοπιστία μας - Δε θα μας εμπιστεύεται κανείς

Freepen.gr - Η Δημοκρατική πρόεδρος της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων Νάνσι Πελόζι με δήλωσή της ασκεί σκληρή κριτική στον Πρόεδρο των ΗΠΑ, Ντόναλντ Τραμπ κάνοντας λόγο για έναν ασταθή πρόεδρο ο οποίος αποφάσισε να στρέψει τις κυρώσεις σε βάρος της Τουρκίας σε μια παρανοϊκή εκεχειρία η οποία υπονομεύει την αξιοπιστία των ΗΠΑ στέλνοντας ένα επικίνδυνο μήνυμα στους συμμάχους τους πως ο λόγος τους δεν είναι αξιόπιστος.

Η Πελόζι αναφέρει ότι ο Ερντογάν δεν παραχώρησε τίποτε και πως η Αγκυρα δε μιλάει καν για εκεχειρία αλλά για ανάπαυλα 120 ωρών. Επίσης σημειώνει ότι η συμφωνία δεν προσφέρει τίποτε όσον αφορά τον κίνδυνο διαφυγής των χιλιάδων φυλακισμένων ισλαμιστών του ISIS.

Υπογραμμίζει επίσης ότι η συμφωνία κινείται προς την κλιμάκωση του χάους και της ανασφάλειας στη χώρα ενώ ευνοεί τους στρατηγικούς αντιπάλους των ΗΠΑ.

Ακολουθεί η αναλυτική δήλωση:

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer issued this statement after the President reversed his decision to impose sanctions against Turkish government officials:

“President Trump is flailing. The President’s decision to reverse sanctions against Turkey for brutally attacking our Kurdish partners in exchange for a sham ceasefire seriously undermines the credibility of America’s foreign policy and sends a dangerous message to our allies and adversaries alike that our word cannot be trusted.

“President Erdogan has given up nothing, and President Trump has given him everything. The Turks have stated that ‘this is not a ceasefire,’ and made clear that they ‘will pause the operation for 120 hours in order for the terrorists to leave’ – referring to the courageous Kurdish fighters who have suffered nearly 11,000 casualties in our fight to defeat ISIS. This agreement also does nothing to stop thousands of ISIS prisoners from escaping, and shows the President’s complete lack of strategy to defeat ISIS. To say that Turkey and Syria will guard the prisoners is outrageous and puts our homeland security at risk. ISIS is still a threat, certainly now more than before President Trump gave Erdogan the green light to invade Syria.

“President Trump unleashed a further escalation of chaos and insecurity in Syria that has left dozens of innocent civilians dead, displaced hundreds of thousands more and invited the resurgence of ISIS. The only beneficiaries of the President’s policies are our adversaries: ISIS, Bashar al-Assad, Vladimir Putin and Iran. Today’s decision further makes the argument that President Trump doesn’t see Putin as the danger he is to our country.

“Yesterday’s overwhelming bipartisan 354-60 vote in the House to oppose the President’s decision and demand a clear ISIS strategy yesterday was an important step, and the Senate should do the same immediately. Next week, the House will pass a strong, bipartisan sanctions package to work to reverse the humanitarian disaster that President Trump unleashed in Syria. Our servicemembers, our allies and our partners all suffering from the Syrian conflict deserve smart, strong and sane leadership from Washington.”
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